Industry Insights on Cyber Risk Quantification

Everything Benefits from More Q
The letter Q is on my mind often these days. primarily as it relates to what I’m building my business around, but as I look back, I can’t seem to escape it. Before I ever decided to orient my work around Cyber Risk Quantification, Q’s were already a big part of my life.

Eclecticism as a model for building a Security Consulting Practice
Eclecticism (defined as “deriving ideas, style or taste from a broad and diverse range of sources.”), pervades my life personally and professionally. It is also foundational to our approach to solving security problems at CRFQ.

The Story of CRFQ
Through my decades in the space, one thing has become painfully evident: top-level business leaders aren’t singing from the same hymnal when it comes to cyber-risk. That’s why I created CRFQ.